COVID-19 - How we can help you

At Dawsons, the wellbeing of our clients, team members and the wider community is our top priority. Due to the COVID-19 health crisis we have implemented some health and safety measures and made some changes to the way we look after our clients.

We understand that many of our clients will be feeling anxious about the current COVID-19 virus threat and will be wanting to make sure that wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney are in place and up to date. We are here to assist you with any concerns you have about your business or personal affairs. 

We are able to continue to meet the needs of our clients without the need for you to come in to the office should you not wish to or be unable to. Our lawyers are able to take your instructions over the phone or via Facetime or other video calling service. We have the capability to continue to operate and serve our clients as usual.

We also have a range of online services including wills and Enduring powers of attorney (EPA's). You can simply complete an online interview and we will then review the document and contact you if we have any questions or need to discuss any aspect with you. We then email you the documents for you to sign at home or via video call if the documents require witnessing (in cases where it is legally possible to do so).

We are taking a number of measures to protect our team and clients:

  • Our team are practicing “social distancing" and avoiding direct contact with others including shaking hands.

  • We wash our hands regularly throughout the day and after meetings and have hand sanitizer available for use by staff and clients

  • We are encouraging meetings to take place over phone or facetime and limiting face to face meeting to essential meetings only such as signing documents

  • Client Identity verification for AML purposes will be conducted electronically using an ID verification service on your smartphone

Please do not come in to the office if you are feeling unwell or have any COVID-19, cold or flu symptoms. The symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  1. Coughing

  2. High fever

  3. Difficulty breathing

It is important that you stay at home if you are suffering from these symptoms to avoid spreading illness to others.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call on 09 272 0002 or email me on

Best wishes

Claire, Bill and the Dawsons team

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